10 things I learned about being 26

10 Things I learned about being 26.

1.     You cannot be home as much as you want.In my situation, I have a full time job away from my family in Batangas. I work in Manila 5 times a week and spend my days struggling at work and just go home on weekends with my family.
2.    Keeping a job is easy and a hard thing to do. This has been my struggle since early 2018. Deciding if I should stay or go. I work in the same company for 5 years already and it starts to become a routine. I started questioning my routine. I love my job but I also get tired of doing the same stuff for 5 years now.
3.    Budgeting my finances is hard.Its so hard to keep that lifestyle. Travelling and working at the same time. I already stopped buying a lot of clothes and shoes because I realized that I have so much of them. Half of my room are filled with clothes and I am not a centipede. Not all shoes are supposed to be bought. Those fancy schmancy gadgets also are way too annoying already. Keeping up with the iphone trend, cameras and all stuff. I thinl I already have everything I need to keep me good to go. And I don’t need to upgrade my iphone every single year.
4.    Balancing my time is harder.Being a teacher, a daughter, a sister and a girlfriend is hard. I work 9 hours every single day. I update my parents in everything I do because they will panic if I don’t. I talk to my sister before we sleep every single night. And I make it up to show on dates that me and my boyfriend plans. 
5.    There is nothing wrong in trying to eat healthy.I am not saying that I EAT HEALTHY ALL THE TIME. But I assure you that I am an adult who knows what to put in my mouth. I started hating pork since 2015. I still eat them but I don’t really like it. I’d rather have chicken or fish or beef. And if I am really really rich, I would eat healthy. Because all the healthy food nowadays are really the ones expensive. Vegetables are overpriced in the market. But, in a simple way like avoiding soda, fatty food and not eating too much of your limit is a good start.
6.    Life skills are really important. Like driving, I am not saying that I am a good driver but I can say that it is really a must. I mean come on, in case of emergency, your parents are not there, you should be an adult who knows what to do with that car on your garage. Cooking as well, I am lazy but I tell you I am learning how to cook, once in a while I cook at home and practice. There’s a lot of things you can see online that will help you.
7.    Not all of your friends are supposed to be kept.We are all adults here, we know that the earth moves and everything can change. Yup! I have a lot of friends whom I lost along the way and that is okay. I think it was harder than a break up at first. Now I think of it as a way of god telling me to grow out of those persons. God always has a better plan and besides, there’s a long way to go you’ll meet a lot more friends. 
8.    Family is everything.As I grow older, I realized the importance of my family. They will never really leave you. They are my constants. They will help you all the way. I am so blessed to have my family.
9.    It is okay to cry.It doesn’t mean that you are weak. But I think it means you are fighting. Brushing it off with some tears and then ready to fight. We all have that soft spot in ourselves. It is okay to cry.
10.  We should never stop dreaming.Not to boast here but every time I dream about something, I usually get it. Its like setting your goal or making a mark. There’s nothing wrong in dreaming! You can do it.

Adulting is really hard. It is hitting me really hard now. To all those who are suffering and taking some time to heal, it is okay. Everything will be okay. We need to fight all these because everything that we are experiencing now will be a great help to our next level. J


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